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Commercial Flooring FAQs: Answers to Common Questions

Commercial flooring can be a tricky thing to navigate for new business owners and experienced entrepreneurs alike. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions that we see in the commercial flooring industry. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Commercial Flooring

Which Type of Flooring Is Best for High-Traffic Areas?

The first thing you need to understand about commercial flooring is that it comes in many forms. Much like with residential flooring, the types of flooring that you choose for your business need to work with how you’re using the space. One of the benefits of commercial flooring is that it’s designed with higher levels of traffic in mind. High-traffic areas are a two-fold concern. For starters, you need something durable and able to support a lot of people, equipment, and furniture. Secondly, it needs to be safe for the people using the space. That can be a difficult balance to strike. 

While vinyl flooring is very durable and can put up with traffic, it’s not always a great option for a lobby or entrance space because it can be slippery when wet. Commercial rubber flooring, on the other hand, is excellent for traction and comfort in commercial kitchens or labs, but it isn’t exactly warm and welcoming. Both can work in high-traffic settings, but your needs determine what type of flooring is best for your area. The best thing you can do when shopping for commercial flooring is to have your use case in mind. When you’re ready to talk to a flooring company, they can determine your unique needs and suggest the best flooring.

How Long Does Commercial Flooring Take to Install?

We often field this question, and it’s one of the trickier questions to answer sight unseen. Often in the same category, we’ll hear: what is the easiest commercial flooring to install? Here’s the bottom line—each option has pros and cons, and the time it takes to install a commercial floor depends on several factors. The condition of the building is one that really matters. No matter what flooring you have installed, a good subfloor is a must. In old buildings, floors may be warped or slope in one direction, usually as a result of a settling foundation. Additionally, water damage and other issues may necessitate repair before installing a new floor. These tasks are obviously more time-consuming. 

Other factors that impact the installation timeline include the space’s size and material availability. Vinyl and linoleum flooring options are relatively quick installs, and commercial carpeting can also be quick depending on the space. Commercial tile flooring, on the other hand, can be a more arduous and involved process, but a good contractor can manage their time well. At Ozburn-Hessey, we adjust the number of people on an installation job to give larger installations the manpower they need to be completed efficiently. Jobs can take hours to days, but in our consultation and estimate process, we can give you a better idea of what to expect. 

While we’ve only scratched the surface of common commercial flooring questions, we hope you’ve got more clarity on the level of service that Ozburn-Hessey offers. If you’re interested in learning more or you have more questions, give us a call today.

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