Reasons Acoustic Tiles Are a Great Choice for Classrooms

Although there might not be a lot of children in classrooms right now, when they start heading back to the schools, you’ll notice they all have something in common: they pretty much all have acoustic ceiling tiles in the individual classrooms. The reason for this is that acoustic ceiling tiles are a great choice for classrooms due to the way they block and dampen sound. 

Why You Should Get Acoustic Ceiling Tiles in Your Classroom

What Are Acoustic Ceiling Tiles?

If you can think back to your days of school, you may have noticed that acoustic ceiling tiles are the suspended ceiling tiles that are typically white that not only helps reduce sound inside and outside of the room, but helps reflect light to make learning easier. These tiles used to be made from asbestos, which were unsafe, especially for children, but they are now made from materials that include mineral fiber or metal. Because the main purpose of acoustic ceiling tiles is to stop the flow of sound from one room to another, you tend to see them in places that have a lot of ambient sound, since they do a very good job of stopping it. 

How Do Acoustic Ceiling Tiles Work?

The main way in which acoustic ceiling tiles work is by providing an additional layer of material sound waves need to penetrate before the effects are felt. Simply put, they dampen and absorb sound waves so instead of the sounds of dozens of chattering children and teenagers from dozens of classrooms bouncing around the building making it very difficult for any of them to pay attention and learn, the sound is contained to where it originated from. There are many different levels of sound dampening you can choose from, so if you need something stronger for the band room, for example, you have options. Since music is such a big area of focus here in Nashville, this is a good idea, especially for schools specializing in the arts.

How Else Can You Block Excess Sound?

As mentioned, the main reason that acoustic ceiling tiles are a good option for keeping the sound down is because of the way they absorb as much sounds as possible due to their architecture. But it’s more than just keeping the sound from travelling to another room; acoustic ceiling tiles do a great job of dampening the sounds in the room they’re installed in in the first place. So, if there’s a group project in the classroom, you won’t need to send some of the groups into the hallway just to make sure everyone can hear their individual conversations. 

When combined with a flooring material that also handles sound really well, such as hardwood flooring or commercial carpeting, it magnifies the effect. But beyond how well acoustic ceiling tiles handle sound, they’re a great option to hide or otherwise disguise the industrial pipework and air conditioning ducts you find in a lot of commercial buildings. 

Acoustic ceiling tiles are one of the many products sold here at Ozburn-Hessey, and once you begin the process, let the professionals show you the other amazing products they sell that can change your world, and how you hear it.

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