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Recording Studio Conversion and Remodels: Flooring Options

Music is built into the very fabric of the city of Nashville – and thanks to the cost of real estate in the city, any space can be turned into a music studio. But how can you build a home studio without annoying your neighbors and upsetting the entire neighborhood? This is something we’ll be tackling at Ozburn-Hessey during the next few weeks, starting from the ground up.

How to Remodel a Floor for a Recording Studio

Residential Carpeting: A Sound Decision

Let’s face it: one of the most important things about the floor in your new studio is the ability to negate some of the sound. Whether your studio is in an isolated area of a specialized building or just a spare room in your home, there is always a need to keep the sound down. One easy and relatively cheap way to do this is by installing the correct flooring.

When it comes to negating the transmission of sound waves, the best option is residential or commercial carpeting. Both of these materials are better than traditional hardwood flooring when it comes to keeping sound waves contained. This makes carpeting ideal in places where you need to be aware of how loud you’re rocking out. Additionally, the level at which these materials absorb or dampen sound can be enhanced by adding a thick insulation pad under the surface level during the installation process. This is particularly important if you are not on the ground floor since it will cut down on the sound exiting below.

Put a Cork In It

Of course, there are a variety of concerns with carpeting. For example, the material could easily snag under an amp or another piece of heavy machinery. Carpeting also doesn’t handle moisture all that well and can often be a pain to clean.

If you find these factors frustrating, consider cork flooring. Not only does cork flooring do a wonderful job of negating sound, it is also better than carpet at absorbing it. Thanks to the way the material is structured, the sound waves are not only caught up in the air pockets of the cork, but they actually get broken up. This is why cork is used not only in the floor, but also to line the walls of many recording studios. It’s also easier on your feet and on the environment.

What About Hardwood Flooring?

This is Nashville, though, and appearances are important. Hardwood flooring is one of the most authentic and long-lasting flooring materials, so why not use it in your studio? It really depends on the space limitations of your studio. Traditional hardwood flooring has a tendency to reflect sound waves around the room, but if you don’t have to worry about annoying anyone nearby, then by all means install hardwood flooring. No flooring option is as beautiful as hardwood.

Knowing what kind of floor to install in your new recording studio is a matter of knowing what you want your floor to accomplish. If you need something that’s going to keep the sound down but you don’t have a lot of money for a total renovation, a layer of carpet should be fine. Otherwise, your best bet is probably cork flooring. The professionals at Ozburn-Hessey can help you out with both. Contact us today!

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