3 Signs You Should Consider Changing Your Hardwood Floor

Hardwood flooring is one the most common types of flooring on the market, and definitely one of the most common types of flooring in the Nashville and greater Middle Tennessee area. A lot of the hardwood flooring in these homes is in need of a little help to get it back into top-top shape.

There Are a Lot of Scratches

Even the sturdiest of the traditional hardwood flooring, like oak hardwood flooring, is susceptible to scratching. It is just one of the realities of living with hardwood flooring, especially if the flooring is in a room with a lot of foot traffic. If the wood isn’t too old, there is something that can be done to fix the problem, which is to resurface the floor. Basically you, or someone like the professionals here at Ozburn-Hessey, sand down the surface of the floor until all of the scratches are gone, then refinish it to give it that new floor glow.

It’s Already Been Resurfaced Too Many Times

Of course if the flooring has been through this kind of thing a time or two too many, there’s really nothing left to sand away before you lose too much of the original product. A hardwood floor that has been resurfaced too many times is not going to support your foot or stand up to water damage and moisture related issues the way a regular floor would. As a good rule of thumb, a floor should be resurfaced about three to five times before you should start thinking about replacing it.

There Are Water Damage Issues

One of the worst things that can happen to a traditional hardwood floor (or any floor really; residential or commercial carpeting is just, if not more so, at risk) is water damage. Whether this comes from a small spill or something a bit more drastic, nothing removes the joy of good flooring like a musty smell. It can get a lot worse than that too, if there are structural issues. For example, a regular oak hardwood that is given a lot of time to really absorb water will begin to bow, buckle and warp. Once this has begun, there’s not really a lot that can be done to fix the problem, other than removing the offending boards and replacing them. That can be pretty difficult to accomplish, especially if you have something unique on the floor.

When a hardwood floor is in prime condition, there are few things that can match it. Recognizing when your floor needs a little help, like a quick recoat, is good, but every so often something more extreme is needed. Times like these are perfect for getting in touch with the professionals here at Ozburn-Hessey. Let us help you every step of the way, from picking out a new floor to flooring installation.

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