Repairing Floors for the Holiday Season

Now that we’ve passed Daylight Savings Time, we’re into full-holiday swing. Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas — it’s coming at us quicker than we think. And whether you are having a big family celebration in Nashville with extended relatives or something much less quiet, the to-do list can get a bit overwhelming. So what’s one thing you can knock off your list now before things begin to get really crazy? How about flooring repair? Though subtle, the look of your floors can really enhance the Christmas spirit when your guests arrive to your home or office party. That’s why a quick call to Ozburn-Hessey can do some good.

Hardwood repair — Scratches and other cosmetic marks in your hardwood flooring are a common occurrence in any home. Between children and pets in the home and constant traffic in your commercial space, a scratch is bound to happen. Call Ozburn-Hessey and they will be able to help you get your hardwood holiday ready!

Carpet seams and stretching — One of the most noticeable things about a faulty carpet installation is wrinkles in the carpet. Have Ozburn-Hessey come out to stretch out your carpet and make your floor installation look good as new! Have a rip in a carpet seam? Ozburn-Hessey can help with that too!

Quick fixes — Sometimes your time gets the best of you and you are almost ready for the party and you spot an ugly scratch or stain on the floor. A simple cover up with a rug can do wonders. Even moving a bit of furniture around to hide the boo-boo is sufficient until you can call a professional to repair the spot.

Repairing cosmetic scratches or rips can be as easy as calling Ozburn-Hessey. It’s a busy season, so tackle the issue before your holidays get too jam-packed. Not only will this ease the stress of a massive task list, but you’ll have floors your friends, family or employees will admire. To schedule a consultation with Ozburn-Hessey, call them today!

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From floors to ceilings, we are determined to deliver the only highest quality flooring and ceiling installation.


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