Floors and Ceilings That Keep Rooms Warm in Nashville’s Winter

As predicted by the Farmer’s Almanac, Nashville’s winter has been a rough one. Even though snow has not hit as hard as some other areas, the bitter, cold temperatures has taken a toll. Many offices, stores and other commercial establishments are struggling with how to keep the rooms warm within as people come in and out. A popular question might be how can your floors and ceilings play a part in keeping your home or office warm. Here are some things to consider:

Floors — Installing carpets in your business or home is a great way to keep the building warm. Many offices and retail shops utilize carpet for this reason. Customers, employees or even homeowners will feel comfortable and appreciative of the extra warmth. If you installed hardwoods in your home or office, the floors will be much colder than carpets as they can’t retain heat like carpets can.  You definitely won’t want to walk around barefoot, that’s for sure!  The appeal for hardwood is obvious; however, when it is below freezing outside, it might be a good idea to purchase area rugs or carpet for your flooring to create additional warmth for those around you.

Ceilings — For the most part, the higher the ceilings are, the colder the room might be. If the ceilings are high and/or vaulted, you have to heat a larger space. In addition, heat rises, which keeps it from traveling down where people are. Consider installing fans that will help with air distribution and allow warmer air to flow to the bottom. Check your insulation in your building as well to make sure it is working properly.

There are many ways of keeping your home or office warm, but it is important to understand your floor and ceiling’s role. Each type of flooring or ceiling tile might work differently for warmth, so be sure to do your research and consult with Ozburn-Hessey if you have questions.

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