New Year’s Resolutions for Nashville Flooring

New Year’s resolutions can sometimes be an exhausting endeavor. Losing weight, eating healthy and exercise daily are all popular resolutions Nashvillians attempt every year. Sometimes, the challenge becomes a major lifestyle change and other times it’s a one-month addiction. Either way, it’s a great way to attempt to better yourself and better the ones around you.

But your resolutions are not just limited to self-improvement; it can also extend to your Nashville business, even your floors! As you’ve heard us say before, the floors of your business can say a lot about the business you run, so it is a no-brainer to take special care of your floors.

Here are just a few ideas of New Year’s Resolutions you can take on for 2014 that involve your floors — old or new.

If you just had new floors installed:

  • Keep them clean! This might seem obvious but people will trek in dirt, grim, food and all kinds of other pesky items. If you have carpet or hardwood flooring, make a schedule and stick to it. This will not only keep your office or business looking clean, but it will also keep your floors healthier longer.
  • Protect your floors! Invest in area rugs to put around high-traffic areas in your business. Consult with Ozburn-Hessey on how to properly protect your hardwood flooring or keep your carpets stain-resistant.

If you want to have new floors

  • Save your money! This is also an obvious resolution, but it’s not so simple. Cut back a little every week where you can so you can eventually do the big installation. Better yet, create a new budget for the New Year. Call Ozburn-Hessey to get a consultation and save until you can finally afford those beautiful hardwood floors you’ve always wanted.

Your New Year’s Resolutions can always include improvement for your commercial business. Yes, you might decide to drink more water or you are going to stop eating all those sweets, but who said you can’t have more than one? There’s no better time than the New Year to improve your habits for your floors.

To schedule a consultation with Ozburn-Hessey or if you have questions about care, call them today at (615) 254-1585. 

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From floors to ceilings, we are determined to deliver the only highest quality flooring and ceiling installation.


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